What do Architects do?
April 07, 2024 | Architecture | ...
This blog post reflects my thoughts on what is architecture, what does an architect do and what they should focus on. I copied in some…
Written by Sebastian Häni who lives, studies and works in Zurich building useful things. You can find his social links on his personal website.
This blog post reflects my thoughts on what is architecture, what does an architect do and what they should focus on. I copied in some…
The following describes what can be an architecturally significant decision interpreted from Architectural Significance Test written by Olaf…
Central Architecture as executed by a single architect or a group of architects has three main problems: Bottlenecks — Having a central…
Ever wanted to understand the dependency graph in a Maven project with sub-modules? Add the following to the parent pom.xml: Run The graph…
Distributed Tracing Distributed Tracing enables us to follow invocations across services and monitor them. We can observe a single service…
What is OpenTelemetry OpenTelemetry has been formed as a merge by the teams of OpenTracing and OpenCensus while providing full compatibility…
This article describes how to setup Spark and Zeppelin either on your own machine or on a server or cloud. Spark and Zeppelin are big…
In the teams I worked so far, we always opted for full reviews of each engineer’s code. But how do you organize these reviews in a fashion…
In my first blog post related to the AI seminar that I took, I laid out my learning goals. Now the seminar is coming to an end, and I will…
This is my final review of the paper Sean J. Taylor & Benjamin Letham (2018) “Forecasting at Scale”, The American Statistician. I’m going…
This is my third blog post about the paper Sean J. Taylor & Benjamin Letham (2018) “Forecasting at Scale”, The American Statistician. I’m…
We tackle the question of why it's important to keep your dependencies up to date, compare a few proprietary solutions and then talk about how to do it with NPM, Gradle and Jenkins yourself.
In this post I want to dissect a paper’s style and try to criticize it irregardless of it’s content. The paper is the one mentioned in the…
For the AI seminar, I am attending, I selected the following paper: Sean J. Taylor & Benjamin Letham (2018) “Forecasting at Scale”, The…
As mentioned in my first blog post New Beginnings, I’m inscribed to a course named “AI Seminar”. In this course, each student is expected to…
Why am I starting my own blog? This post is the first ever post in a personal blog. I try to explain why having a personal blog is a good idea IMHO.